Connor Hines, who created the YouTube series “Local Attraction,” has a comedy pilot in the works at ABC. The series, tentatively titled “For Now,” revolves around a group of twentysomethings living in New York City. The ensembler explores dating, friendships and finding yourself.
Hines is set to write, exec produce and star in the sitcom. The development comes after Hines landed a blind pilot script deal with ABC last summer for a half-hour comedy with no concept, at the time.
“Local Attraction” on YouTube mocks bad Tinder dates. Hines wrote, directed and starred in the web series, playing one half of the awkward couple in each episode, which parodies the dating app. “Local Attraction” was funded by Kickstarter and has amassed more than 350,000 views on the pilot. Glenn Close guest starred in the final part of the six episodes.
On television, Hines has guest starred on “Person of Interest.”