The recently introduced Acer Ethos notebooks have now been confirmed for the US market. The pair is unique as the multi-touch is removable and doubles as a multimedia remote, complete with LED-backlit controls. Users can thus use the notebook as a source for a high-definition movie or home video plugged into their HDTV and control it like a Blu-ray player with the touchpad.
The US, like the UK, will get two models: a 15.6-inch AS591G and 18.4-inch AS8951G. Base equipment on either will include 2GHz Intel Core i7 CPUs, NVIDIA GeForce GT555M graphics cards with 2GB of RAM and Gorilla displays. Also common will be a 750GB hard drive and 4x Blu-ray drive, topped off with Dolby stereo speakers and a bottom subwoofer. The 18.4-inch model has a 1080p display and 8GB of RAM while the smaller model gets a 720p display and 6GB of RAM.
Prices for the AS591G start at $1,399 and the AS8951G at $1,599 and both are now shipping.