Adobe on Friday morning in a blog post said it would launch Flash 10.2 for Android devices on March 18. Both Android 3.0 tablets like the Xoom, as well as Android 2.2 and 2.3 devices, should get the release at the same time. The Android 3.0 version is a beta release and will get special treatment.
Owners of the Xoom a tablets will see pages rendered directly in the website itself rather than layered over top. The approach greatly improves scrolling, especially when mixed with animated GIF images and other more complicated content.
All devices will get much improved performance through hardware acceleration and multi-core support, especially dual-core devices like the Xoom, the Atrix 4G and the Optimus 2X.
Adobe hasn’t said how soon it expected the finished version of Flash for Android 3.0, but it did expect the completed edition to come preloaded on future tablets. Phones would get 10.2 as well.