AirMe, is a photo sharing application, that debuted with the opening of Apple’s new App Store for the iPhone 2.0. AirMe is a downloaded application that enables iPhone users to take photos and have them instantly tagged and sent to the user’s Flickr account, or to the user’s private AirMe account. All photos are auto-tagged with location, time, weather and any user customized information. According to iTunes rankings, AirMe is already one of the top five most popular iPhone photography applications.
“We are huge fans of iPhone and the way Apple has opened their platform to us,” said Mark Haverkate, AirMe CEO. “To be able to distribute the initial version of our mobile app around the world so easily and quickly is just incredible.”
The 1.0 release of AirMe, timed to match the launch of the new iPhone. AirMe is programmed and designed to also work on most other mobile devices, supporting shared video and photography. Upcoming AirMe releases will include photo and video versions for Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones, and auto links to Facebook, Twitter, and Picasa. More information is available at