Alaska Airlines is switching to Gogo Inflight speedier 2Ku satellite-based wi-fi.
Alaska Airlines claims there’s a number of advantages compared to the popular ground-based systems on which many flights/airlines rely.
Top of the list is a speed bump. The satellite service offers 20x more bandwidth than ground-based systems. And because it uses satellites, the service will continue to work on longer-haul flights and outside of the continental United States. Another advantage is the fact it works while you’re on the ground, while ground-based systems on the other hand don’t work until the plane reaches 10,000 feet.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Alaska Airlines is suggesting the price will be lower than the existing $16-per-day, ground-based system they use.
Rollout of the new system will happen in the first half of 2018, with up to 50 aircraft switching by the end of 2018 and all aircraft and those of Virgin America using it by 2020.