All PlayStation VR Titles Will Support DualShock 4 Controllers

Posted by at 9:08 am on July 13, 2016

DualShock 4

Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE’s) PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD) will be available in a few months time and currently pre-orders for the device seem to be doing very well. The main stock model doesn’t come with any extra accessories, such as PlayStation Camera or the PlayStation Move controllers. Some titles at events or in trailers have only been shown working on the PS Move devices, and for those that might be worried they won’t be able to play all the videogames available for the headset without them, SIE has now laid those fears to rest.

In a statement to Eurogamer the company said: “All PlayStation VR titles will support DualShock 4 controllers. However some game experiences will be enhanced with the use of peripherals such as Move or the recently announced Aim controller. Images being shown of PSVR packaging on some websites are early mock ups and not representative of the finished packaging.


The latter part of the statement refers to pictures like the one above where in the bottom right hand corner it shows the PlayStation VR and both accessories with the words: “You’ll Need These.”

So now players won’t actually need all the accessories to play whatever title they choose, but it does come with one cravat. While the PlayStation Move controllers aren’t an essential part of the kit, the PlayStation Camera really is. Without it, the PlayStation 4 can’t detect the lights on the HMD for positional-tracking, which is kind of important for immersive gameplay, and something included in the box with rival devices like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. But these two are more expensive, and buying the PlayStation camera separately still won’t hit the others price point.

SIE previously mentioned the reasoning behind selling the PlayStation VR on its own, as there will be PlayStation 4 owners who already have the accessories and won’t want bundles with kit they already have. And for those that don’t, some retailers have been offering bundles, but they might be quite hard to find now.

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