Alpine has begun shipping the previously-announced iLX-007, its first receiver to support Apple’s CarPlay platform. The device has also been given an $800 pricetag. It sports a 7-inch 800×480 touchscreen, three 2V preouts, one aux input, and an input for rear-view camera systems. Like other Alpine receivers, it uses a technology called MediaXpander to try to improve the quality of compressed digital audio.
One of the more significant aspects of its 007 is its three-inch depth, which Alpine suggests should allow it to be installed in more vehicles. The unit requires dealer installation.
CarPlay lets iPhone owners control phone calls, music, navigation, and texting without looking down at their phone, via a combination of touch controls and Siri voice commands. A limited number of third-party apps are compatible as well, including the likes of Rdio and Spotify.