AMD today posted the first official photos of the Radeon HD 6990 and confirmed some of its features, as well. The dual-chip graphics card is a long, dual-slot card and appears built from the start for EyeFinity multi-display support. Along with a single dual-link DVI connector, four Mini DisplayPort jacks will let it handle a total of six screens at once. Think of 5,040×1,050-pixel resolution across six screens.
AMD has yet to confirm the hardware performance, but the 6990 is expected to be more aggressive than most cards of its kind. Clock speeds may dip slightly, but each processor inside would have the same 1,920 visual effects cores as a single 6970, leading to 3,840 total cores and a 640-core leap over the it other dual-wielding model the 5970. Each processor should have 2GB of video RAM each and should eliminate most bottlenecks at high resolution. But all of this power may require up to 300 watts of power.
Leaks have put the launch of the 6990 as late as April, but more recent details have hinted that it could be launched as soon as March 8.