AMD updated its Radeon Software Crimson Edition to version 16.3.2, which features several bug fixes in addition to support for the most recent Oculus Rift SDK and a new GPU.
That GPU would be the recently unveiled AMD Radeon Pro Duo, a dual-GPU board capable of delivering up to 16 TFlops of compute performance. The Pro Duo is designed for VR content creators, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Oculus Rift SDK (v1.3) support is included in the driver update. This release coincides with Nvidia’s driver release of similar features and, of course, the launch of the Oculus Rift HMD.
AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition version 16.3.2 also includes updated Crossfire profiles for Hitman in DirectX 11 and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. Resolved issues include display scaling issues in Counter-Strike, application hangs in FFXIV, camera pan stuttering in XCOM2, and desktop corruption sometimes seen from Fury-series GPUs when the system is idle for long periods of time.
With all the major players in lock-step with the Oculus Rift’s highly-anticipated arrival, it seems no matter which team you’re on, red or green, everyone (meaning the lucky few receiving their pre-orders this week) can enjoy the Oculus Rift on day one. Happy Oculus Day!