Anna Osceola (Mad Men) has been tapped for a recurring role in Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders, NBC’s upcoming anthology series. The eight-episode first season will focus on the infamous case of Lyle (Miles Gaston Villanueva) and Erik Menendez (Gus Halper), brothers who were convicted in 1996 of murdering their parents seven years earlier.
Osceola will play Noelle Terlesky, a blonde coed that Erik Menendez met in Lake Tahoe four months after the murders. He feels very close to her and believes that she “gets” him. She remains supportive of him even after he confesses to the murders. Osceola is known for her roles as Clementine in the final episode of Mad Men and as Jamie Spears in the “Rape Interrupted” episode of Law & Order: SVU. She’s repped by CESD, Rob Gomez Management and Stone Genow Smelkinson.