On Tuesday, Apple released a final version of 10.11.3, the third free update to OS X El Capitan. The focus of the update, which has no noticeable interface changes or new features, is said to be on the “stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac,” according to Apple’s release notes. The latest update was in beta since last month, and briefly shared beta status with the next update, 10.11.4, which is currently being tested by developers.
The 10.11.3 update is available exclusively through the software update section of the Mac App Store.
Apple’s notes on the release include unspecified bug fixes and security updates, along with the usual performance and stability improvements. In all, the update received three beta releases, and as mentioned a 10.11.4 update is in the works, likely to be released in the same time frame as iOS 9.3, which is also currently in beta.