On Tuesday, Apple released a fifth beta of OS X 10.11 El Capitan for public beta testers, then quickly pulled it. The new release came exactly two weeks after the previous one, but was curiously not preceded by a similar seventh developer beta, which may be part of the reason the update was removed. A developer beta, along with a public-tester version, will likely be re-released soon. Currently, El Capitan is expected to be released sometime in September, alongside the latest iPhones, iPads, and iOS 9.
Tuesday is the usual day for developer and public beta updates, so this story will be updated if any new iOS 9 or (developer-only) watchOS 2 betas appear. Users who are interested in participating in the public beta program for iOS 9, OS X 10.11 El Capitan, or both can signup from the Beta Software Program web page.
Please Note that beta software can contain serious bugs and other risks to the integrity of data, and should not be installed on any machine that is required for reliable daily use. It’s not yet known if the briefly-released public beta had any serious issues that may have caused it to be quickly deleted, but such issues are not unknown among veteran beta testers.