On Thursday, Apple updated its Digital Camera RAW Compatibility plug-in for its two leading Mac photo programs, Aperture 3.x and iPhoto ’11, to add support for a number of recently-introduced digital cameras. The update includes support for two Nikon models, two Olympus models, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4, several Sony Alpha releases and a single Sony Cyber-shot camera, the DSC-RX100 III. The update allows RAW files from these cameras to be directly imported by Aperture and iPhoto.
Included in the update is the Nikon CoolPix P340 and Nikon 1 V3; the Olypus OM-D E-M10 and Stylus 1 cameras, and Sony’s Alpha ILCE-75, ILCE-5000, ILCE-6000 and SLT-A77 II. The update is numbered v5.06, and requires either Mountain Lion (v10.8.5) or Mavericks (v10.9), running at least Aperture 3.4.5 or iPhoto version 9.4.3 (also known as iPhoto ’11 due to the year it was released). A complete list of supported RAW formats can be found here.