Two weeks to the day after it unveiled a “sneak peek” version of the next iteration of Safari, Apple has updated its Safari Technology Preview browser for public testing. The alternate version of Safari can co-exist with the regular version, but can also be set as the default if users prefer to do so for testing. The update improves many areas from the first release, including CSS, JavaScript, Web APIs, networking, accessibility, media, rendering, the Web Inspector, and other areas.
Changes include modifying the CFBundleSignature so that Apple Events or AppleScripts correctly hand off to Safari or STP, depending on which has been chosen as the default. With the CSS implementation, the new update adds the new color-gamut CSS query, while the media handling was changed to fix audio track listings, and an autoscrolling bug has been addressed. The STP can be downloaded fromĀ Apple’s developer website; thereafter, updates will be delivered through the Software Update portion of the Mac App Store.