AT&T said on Monday it would buy Qualcomm’s FLO TV spectrum. The carrier will spend $1.93 billion to buy airwaves to bolster AT&T’s 4G download speeds in key areas, 12MHz of which focuses on major cities such as Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Another 6MHz covers a wider swath of the US and about 230 million potential users.
The deal should close sometime during the second half of 2011, although AT&T has said its LTE-based 4G network should go live sometime roughly in mid-2011.
The move confirms the end of Qualcomm’s short-lived mobile TV subscription service and narrows down the spring shutdown window to March 2011. It had tried to push the digital broadcast service through both AT&T and Verizon at rates of $12 or more per month but had poor adoption.