Blockbuster On Demand Coming to Droid X

Posted by at 3:03 pm on June 28, 2010

Verizon Wireless said it is expanding the mobile video choices for its smartphone customers with the introduction of Blockbuster On Demand presented by V CAST Video. The application will be available first for Droid X,customers and will offer them access to hundreds of new releases from Blockbuster.

Built to take advantage of the video capabilities and screen size of Droid X, Blockbuster On Demand will offer customers the hottest new release movies available to download the day they become available, alongside Blu-ray and DVD releases. Droid X customers will be able to rent or buy titles to watch on their smartphones and other Blockbuster On Demand devices.

“Movies and other video content look tremendous on Droid X which has the screen, resolution and size to make it like nothing we’ve ever seen before on smartphones,” said John Stratton, chief marketing officer at Verizon Wireless. “Right out of the box, Droid X customers will be the first to experience the hundreds of movies that will be available through the Blockbuster app.”

Getting movies and television shows from Blockbuster On Demand presented by V CAST Video is simple. Located on the application tab on Droid X , customers can browse and search for movies using Verizon Wireless’ leading 3G data network. Customers will be able to sign up for a Blockbuster account directly from the phone, and within minutes can be renting and buying movies. Downloading content to Droid X requires a Wi-Fi connection.

Movies cost $9.99 and up to purchase and $3.99 each to rent. In addition to watching on their Droid X , customers can watch rented or purchased movies on any Blockbuster-enabled device. Movies that are rented will be available for viewing on one screen within 30 days of rental, with a 24-hour viewing period once the title is first played. Purchases will be available to watch on multiple devices and screens, including compatible mobile devices and computers.

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