Glu Mobile has announced the launch of two Glu titles, Bonsai Blast and Brain Genius Deluxe, on Android. Both Glu titles are now available only in the Android Market and are free to T-Mobile consumers with G1 devices.
“Our work with Google along with the Open Handset Alliance has allowed us to develop Bonsai Blast and Brain Genius Deluxe using the full capabilities of the platform,“ said Alex Galvagni, senior vice president of global production and chief technology officer, Glu. “Through our relationship with the Open Handset Alliance, we have had the ability to become one of the first mobile games developers to explore the device and exploit its technology to create truly engaging games that T-Mobile G1 consumers can enjoy.“
Glu is one of the first mobile games publishers to develop and launch games for the Android platform. Both Brain Genius Deluxe and Bonsai Blast are original titles conceived of and developed in Glu‘s studios.
Brain Genius Deluxe takes players through a daily dose of brain exercises. Brain Genius Deluxe attempts to challenge players with 24 touch or motion-controlled games as well as bonus puzzles including Sudoku and Jigsaws. Features include:
- More brain exercises than before with 24 exercises and four types of bonus games
- Gameplay that incorporates touchscreen and accelerometer for motion-controlled brain exercises
- Advanced statistics to compare your performance over time and compare to other device users
Bonsai Blast is an action-puzzle game that challenges players to shoot and match colored balls to clear more than 20 Zen levels of environments. Bonsai Blast advances the match-three marble popping category with features such as:
- High-paced match three gameplay taken to a new level with variations via ricochets, tunnelled chains, and swappable shooter locations
- Fast-paced action controlled by the touch-screen and accelerometer
- More than 20 levels themed with Water, Fire, Earth and Wind with gorgeous, detailed graphics which showcase the power of the Android platform
- Multiple music compositions and 30+ frames per second take full advantage of the device‘s capabilities
[…] Originally posted here: Brain Building Games for Androids […]