BT on Friday added a new Wi-Fi router of its own designed to thrive in a wireless-heavy environment. T
he Home Hub 3 has its own intelligent channel selection to avoid interference. The approach minimizes the likelihood of other 2.4GHz device slowing down or stopping the Internet connection.
Its technique is dynamic and will re-scan if it detects new interference in the area.
The British ISP’s new router is about half the size of the Home Hub 2 it replaces but still has the expansion of a usual router. This is the first Home Hub that works with both ADSL and BT’s high speed Infinity broadband. This will make it easier for customers looking to upgrade from ADSL in the future.
BT also claims the latest Home Hub is even more energy efficient that it predecessors, typically using a third less power and a design that uses 25% less plastic.
BT will start handing out the Home Hub 3 to new customers on February 28, but existing customers can trade up for £46 ($74)