Supergiant Games, the developer of Bastion and Transistor, announced in May that its next game, the party-based RPG Pyre, will be out on July 25. Earlier today on Twitter, the studio said it again, and this time around it gave us a launch trailer to look at.
Along with its campaign, Pyre will also offer an esports-style “versus” mode, which we checked out late last year. Interestingly, both Tom and Mat came away from their experiences with the game not entirely certain as to what exactly it was aiming to accomplish, and the launch trailer leaves me in basically the same state: Mildly baffled but intrigued—and in light of Supergiant’s history, anxious to discover how it’s all going to come together.
Pyre is available for pre-purchase on Steam for ten percent off its regular $20/£15/€20 price, or slightly more if you want the package with the soundtrack.