Hifumi Kouno, creator of the Clock Tower franchise has announced that he, along with his studio Nude Maker, is developing a new horror series for the PlayStation Vita, iOS and Android called “Project Scissors,” which is obviously a nod to Clock Tower’s main antagonist, Scissorman.
The upcoming horror title is set aboard a luxury cruise liner in the middle of the ocean; but aboard the ship, a series of mysterious killings begin to take place, which even includes the ship’s crew. With the passengers stranded at sea and on the ship, the player will be the one tasked to solve the mystery in order for their survival, along with the passengers.
In addition to Kouno, Masahiro Ito, renowned for his work on the Silent Hill franchise, will be working on Project Scissors as a creature and prop designer. Not only that, but Takashi Shimizu, who directed the horror film series, Ju-on as well as The Grudge, is on board the project as a creative producer; and is even directing a live-action teaser trailer just for the horror game.
More details will be shared soon in future announcements.