THQ and Rainbow Studios today announced Deadly Creatures is shipping to retail outlets worldwide, bringing a cinematic and immersive game-play experience to Nintendo’s innovative Wii system. Featuring the voice talents of Academy Award Winning actor Billy Bob Thornton and Academy Award Nominated actor Dennis Hopper, Deadly Creatures takes players on an epic, cinematic journey from the perspective of both a Tarantula and Scorpion presenting unique combat and exploration possibilities. Deadly Creatures is available for the suggested retail price of $49.99.
“Deadly Creatures takes a completely new approach to gaming on Wii, dropping players into an immersive setting from a perspective they’ve never experienced before,” said Randy Shoemaker, vice president, global brand management, THQ. “In addition to being one of the most innovative titles for Wii, Deadly Creatures brings a tremendous level of graphic quality and depth of game-play to the Wii library.”
“Deadly Creatures is a unique take on the action/adventure genre with brutal creature combat, a fascinating, immersive world and a suspenseful, cinematic storyline,” said Jordan Itkowitz, lead game designer, Rainbow Studios. “There’s nothing like it on Wii or any other system and we’re excited for gamers worldwide to get their hands on it.”