“Psychological deep-sea thriller” Iron Fish is now due out in the first part of 2016 (it was previously due at the end of this year), and there’s reason to be very interested in Dean Edwards and BeefJack’s aquatic horror. It’s a game about exploring the bottom of the ocean, a place where humans don’t tend to be in their element, and the shadowy teaser trailer was happy to confirm that thought.
A new trailer, below, shows Iron Fish in a bit more detail. With no sign of a new Endless Ocean over the horizon, I’m happy that it’s not all soggy horror and discovering severed body parts—there seems to be a bit of serene fish-prodding in the game too.
Here’s the premise, if you need one:
“Play as Cerys, a deep sea investigator for an elite British Naval group, and use her state-of-the-art, government-funded equipment to submerge as far as we can go. But seven miles under the surface is dangerous territory for humans, especially when only five per cent of Earth’s oceans have been explored so far.
“Cerys’s missions will lead the player to uncover mysteries of the deep and survive its harsh and perilous environment. Come face to face with creatures that have never seen the light of day, question what is science or myth, and solve the unanswered questions of Cerys’s past.”