Dell has unveiled a new S Series of displays. All five models feature 178-degree vertical and horizontal wide viewing angles, in-plane switching panel technology. Included in the new displays is the Dell Image Enhance feature, said to improve visual quality. The Dell Display Manager allows fast access to software such as Auto Mode, which lets users select the preferred preset mode for specific applications.
The new monitor line comes in four models. All feature 1920×1080 resolution at 60Hz, and 8,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, and four degrees of forward tilt, and 21 degrees of backwards tilt for optimum viewing.
The S2740L is a 27-inch display with HDMI, VGA, and DVI-D connectors, and is available now for $400. At 24 inches, the S2440L has HDMI and VGA for connectivity, and retails for $300. The 23-inch S2340L model is also outfitted with HDMI and VGA, and sells for $250. The S2240L is a 21.5-inch monitor with VGA and HDMI and retails for $220. At the same size as the S2240L, the S2240M swaps the HDMI port for a DVI-D port, and sells for $200.