Dell has reportedly committed to offering a Honeycomb update for the Streak 7 tablet. The device currently runs Android 2.2, which is focused on smartphone-size devices, however recent rumors suggested the company was working to outfit the Wi-Fi models with a tablet-optimized variant of the mobile OS. The official confirmation points to Android 3.2 as the chosen build, rather than an earlier version.
The company may have been forced to wait for the latest Honeycomb offering, as v3.0 and v3.1 do not provide the same flexibility for different display resolutions. Both of the earlier versions were geared for large displays, such as the 10.1-inch panels used on devices such as the Motorola Xoom or Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Although Dell has yet to provide full details surrounding the update, the earlier reports suggest the release may overcome battery drain issues that have been met with complaints from buyers. The update is rumored to be slated for September.