Diablo 3 PS4 Won’t Feature Remote Play – May in the Future

Posted by at 12:16 pm on November 11, 2013


Though Blizzard would like to allow players to enjoy the upcoming PlayStation 4 version of Diablo 3 on their Sony-branded handhelds, the House That Warcraft Built sees the Vita’s screen itself as reason to nix Remote Play functionality.

Gamespot asked senior level designer Matthew Berger about the possibility of Remote Play, and were immediately shot down. “The Vita is an amazing piece of kit, but the screen is still smaller,” stated Berger. “And when you look at – and also it has its own aspect ratio – and when you look at Diablo 3, there’s a lot happening on-screen already. You get surrounded by your enemies, lots of effects flying off in every direction. The inventory can be pretty complicated to navigate sometimes when you have lots of items.”

Despite this, Berger says Blizzard is still considering the feature. “[Remote Play] would be a little bit more of stretch. It’s kind of percolating in the back of our mind, but we don’t really have any plans right now,” he said.

Corroborating the eventual possibility of Remote Play is senior console producer Julie Humpreys. “[Remote Play] is something we are looking into,” Humphreys told CVG. “I would say we are in the earliest stages of looking at that. We want to make sure that it is readable and is a good user experience.”

Diablo 3 makes its PlayStation 4 debut at some point during 2014.

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