ASUS has pushed the launch of its anticipated Android 3.0 Eee Pad Slider to the fall. According to a post on the ASUS UK Facebook page, the company says that it will confirm launch dates and pricing of the hybrid tablet later in this month. In the lead up to the launch, ASUS is also asking customers to complete some surveys to get a sense of what it is they are looking for in its products.
The Eee Pad Slider is a cross between a netbook and a tablet, with a design like an over-size slider phone. The approach is designed to bring the best of both worlds when it comes to the relative strengths of a netbook versus a tablet. Tablets work well for viewing movies, surfing the net and for playing multi-touch games. However, their virtual keyboards are less than ideal for word processing.
The Eee Pad Slider will feature the same hardware specifications as the Eee Pad Transformer. Android 3.1 is a possibility on launch, and an NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor clocked at 1GHz will power it. It is also said to center on a 10.1-inch IPS display offering wide viewing angles.