Energy Sistem has launched a low-cost tablet range for the budget conscious. Although only running Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), the devices give the appearance of running Android 3.0 due to a skin that the company has custom developed for the trio. To of the three tablets, the i828 HD and the i824, use 8-inch displays with the HD model high-res. The i724 uses a 7-inch display.
To keep the costs down, the company has used an older generation ARM Cortex A8 processor with 512MB of RAM, and keeps the storage to either 4GB or 8GB. This can be expanded via an inbuilt microSD slot.
All three devices have a battery of 4,000 mAh 3.7V, 14.8W offering up to 5 – 6 hours of video playback, 6 – 7 hours of WiFi browsing, and 30 hours of music playback.
The Energy Sistem tablets will range in price from $185 to $270 when they become available on November 19