Chuck Palahniuk is taking another swing at “Fight Club.” The author is penning a sequel to his hit 1996 novel — the inspiration behind director David Fincher’s movie adaptation starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton three years later — as a comic book series, USA Today reported. Courtesy of Dark Horse publishing, the 10-issue series will be illustrated by Cameron Stewart and debut in May 2015.
Palahniuk accidentally committed to making a sequel of his most famous work — about an underground brawling society created by an anarchist with multiple personality disorder and serious father issues — by blurting out that he was mulling a sequel at last year’s New York Comic Con. “I messed up and said I was doing the sequel in front of 1,500 geeks with telephones,” Palahniuk told USA Today. “Suddenly, there was this big scramble to honor my word.”
“Fight Club 2” is set ten years after the original, with protagonist Tyler Durden married and not exactly father of the year material to a 9-year-old son. Just as the original “Fight Club” was inspired by Palahniuk’s own anger with his father, the sequel is heavily steeped in the now- 52-year-old author’s middle-age experiences. “Now to find myself at the age that my father was when I was trashing him made me want to revisit it from the father’s perspective and see if things were any better and why it repeats like that,” he told the newspaper.