Horoscopes, stock quotes, movie listings and access to airlines, rental cars and hotels are now just a voice command away for owners of Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles equipped with the SYNC app Traffic, Directions & Information (TDI). Owners of SYNC-equipped 2010 and 2011 Ford, Lincoln and Mercury products will have immediate access to the enhanced TDI services. All that is needed is an active owner account on www.syncmyride.com.
The new services are provided by Microsoft Tellme, one of the many partners in Ford’s cloud-based Service Delivery Network, which gives SYNC users the ability to use a simple Bluetooth-enabled cell phone to connect and voice request the information they want while in the car.
“SYNC is helping us move at a faster pace and deliver the level of connectivity and access that consumers want,” said Doug VanDagens, director, Ford Connected Services Organization. “Now, by leveraging the cloud, we continue to give our customers access to more and more services without having to touch the vehicle or inconvenience the owner with more subscription fees.”
“Current TDI users will hear a special announcement through SYNC the first time they call in, announcing stocks, movies, horoscopes and travel, and informing them that they have more choices,” adds VanDagens.
When users say the “services” voice command, they can ask for “stocks,” horoscopes,” “movies” or “travel,” and follow the prompts. They can also create personalized lists of stocks and horoscopes to follow by visiting their account on www.syncmyride.com, clicking on the “Manage favorites” tab and adding their top picks.
TDI is available on all 2010 and 2011 Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles equipped with SYNC; services come with no monthly subscription fees for the first three years of vehicle ownership