Fox has cancelled the quirk supernatural drama, Sleepy Hollow. The show, led by Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie in Season 1, was a hit for the network when it premiered in 2013. But its ratings steadily declined from Season 2 on; Beharie’s controversial exit from the series at the end of Season 3 — when Abbie Mills sacrificed herself in order to forward her fellow Witness’ mission — didn’t do much to endear the show to its fans.
Season 4 was a bit of a reboot for the series, which added Oona Yaffee as Molly, Ichabod’s new (and very young) partner in the war against evil, and Janina Gavankar as Diana, a Homeland Security agent who was Molly’s mother. Sleepy also moved its action from the titular town to Washington, D.C. Sleepy Hollow was the second series Fox cancelled Tuesday: Rosewood got the ax earlier in the day.