FX is making an animated action comedy pilot in the vein of “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” with a star-studded voice cast. The “Cassius & Clay” animated pilot hails from Megan Ganz (“Modern Family” and “Community”) and “Archer” creator Adam Reed of Floyd County Productions. Both will serve as writers and exec producers on the FX Productions project.
Described as an animated action-buddy-comedy centered on two women living as bandits in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic America, the A-list voice cast includes “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” star Kaitlin Olson and Lake Bell (“Childrens Hospital”), as the title characters, Ordwood Cassius and Shopcarter Clay. Cassius (Olson) is a hard-drinking, quick-thinking, fast-talking bull-sh-tter who has more debts than sense, and Clay (Bell) is the fastest gun in the post-apocalyptic South who doesn’t go looking for trouble, she shares a station wagon with it.
Susan Sarandon is also a series regular with Jeffrey Tambor, JB Smoove, Kevin Michael Richardson, Stephen Root, Katy Mixon and Robert Patrick all lending their voices to the comedy.