FXX says it’s not moving forward with the previously-announced animated Deadpool series from Atlanta creator and Golden Globe Award winner Donald Glover and Stephen Glover. The two were set to serve as Showrunners, Executive Producers and Writers of the series. Marvel’s Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory were to be Executive Producers.
The animated Deadpool series would have been produced by Marvel Television in association with FX Productions and ABC Signature Studios for FXX, which had ordered ten episodes first season last May.
“Due to creative differences, FX, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover and Marvel Television have agreed to part ways on Marvel’s Deadpool animated series,” the network said via Deadline. “FX will no longer be involved with the project. FX and Marvel have an ongoing relationship through our partnership on Legion, which will continue.”
It is unknown at this time whether Marvel Television and ABC Signature Studios will continue to pursue the project.