Ghost of a Tale is an action RPG about Tilo, a mouse minstrel searching for his lover Merra in a world populated exclusively by adorable animals.
Tilo’s adventure focuses on “stealth elements, disguises, conversations with allies and enemies, and quests,” according to developer SeithCG. It’s more about exploring the world than cutting your way through it, and the studio reckons it will take you up to 20 hours to experience everything Ghost of a Tale has to offer.
SeithCG launched its successful Indiegogo for the game back in 2013. Thing were looking good in 2014, when the studio released the first trailer for the game. Then came a series of delays,its initial 2015 release date never happened. Thing looks brighter when the game has an Early Access version in 2016. Last year, a tentative 2018 release was announced.
Ghost of a Tale is now available on Steam for $25