Gunman Clive and Gunman Clive 2 are two of our personal favourites on the 3DS eShop, so we’re pleased as punch by the news that the games are being released on the Wii U – but in 60 frames per second high definition.
Gunman Clive HD Collection – for that is its name – has already been submitted to Nintendo of America for Lotcheck, so it could be arriving sooner than you think. Developer Bertil Hörberg has confirmed that a European release is expected, but that might have to wait for a bit.
Btw, Gunman Clive 1&2 is coming to WiiU. I'm hoping to send the US version to lotcheck next week so I guess it might be time to announce it
— Bertil Hörberg (@BertilHorberg) June 26, 2015
It'll be both games in one package (Gunman Clive HD collection) 1080p with 4xAA and 60 fps
— Bertil Hörberg (@BertilHorberg) June 26, 2015