A tablet promising glasses-free 3D has been launched by accessory maker Hammacher Schlemmer. The No Glasses 3D tablet sports an 8-inch LCD display that can display a different image to each eye when seen from straight ahead, in a similar way to how one of the screens on the Nintendo 3DS operates, with the company claiming to do it without “uncomfortable, color-distorting lenses.”
The tablet is able to automatically convert 2D content to 3D with the display having a native resolution of 1280×800. Though it is unknown what processor and RAM is being used, it will have 16GB of internal storage with support for external USB flash drives and SDHC memory cards. Running on the older Android 4.1, it will have a 2-megapixel rear camera, a 0.3-megapixel front-facing webcam, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a battery said to last for up to seven hours on a single charge. A case with a built-in wireless keyboard is also supplied.
Shipping on December 30th, Hammacher Schlemmer is selling the No Glasses 3D tablet for $350.