HP France has delivered a surprise, launching a 64GB Wi-Fi-only TouchPad in ‘gloss white’ ahead of an official statement from the company’s North American home. In another surprise, the new tablet comes equipped with the faster 1.5GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor found in the 4G version of the TouchPad sold in the States. The new version of the tablet will start to ship within the next two weeks for €599, with pricing and availability for other regions to follow.
Apart from the white gloss finish and the faster processor, the model retains the specs TouchPad fans will be familiar with. These include its 9.7-inch IPS display, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/g/n and a 1.3-megapixel camera.
The webOS tablet has been struggling to gain sales momentum in the US. Best Buy is said to have sold only around 10 percent of its inventory. Of the 270,000 tablets it received from HP, it has on sold as few as 25,000.