WebOS chief Ari Jaaksi said on his blog that an update is available for the HP Touchpad. Among the new features and improvements in version 3.0.4 of webOS are better camera support, connectivity for non-HP phones, improved messaging, and a tweaked UI. The over-the-air update is being applied automatically.
Jaaksi also noted that over 1,000 applications are now available for the TouchPad through the App Catalog.
Jaaski said the development team is still working on “longer term” projects regarding WebKit and V8, the core of the OS. He also said the Enyo framework, developer tools, and the UI are still being improved upon, leaving open the possibility of yet another update at an unspecified point in the future for the stranded operating system.
The update is the first since HP formally shuttered its webOS hardware plans. HP has promised to keep up support, but what that involved wasn’t clear until today.