The HTC One Max is official with leaks ahead of its launch completely accurate. As expected, the device adopts the critically acclaimed aluminum design language of the 4.7-inch HTC One, along with a 5.9-inch 1080p display and a fingerprint scanner on the rear of the device. However, the One Max differs in some ways from the HTC One by incorporating a removable rear cover allowing for the addition of microSD expansion up to 64GB, but dropping optical image stabilization from its Ultrapixel rear camera.
The HTC One Max is powered by the same 1.7GHz Snapdragon 600 quad-core chipset found in the HTC One (paired with 2GB of RAM), while it will ship with Android 4.3 ‘Jelly Bean’ out of the box, with HTC’s latest version of Sense on board, now at version 5.5. Upgrades include further customization for BlinkFeed, HTC’s built-in social aggregator, as well as the ability to customize the length of the handy built-in Video Highlights functionality. On board storage will vary by region with models available in either 16GB or 32GB (plus 50GB of Google Drive online storage), while HTC has also packed in a large 3,300mAh battery.
The HTC One Max is headed for a rapid global rollout in the one Glacial Silver color starting mid-October and through to the end of the month. It will be available to US customers on Sprint and Verizon. A $90 power case is also available, and it incorporates an additional 1,200mAh of battery power.