The rumored HTC Primo could be the first ‘low-end’ Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) handset to reach the market according to a Stuff tipster. It is said that the phone will come with ICS from the outset, although with HTC’s Sense 4.0 interface overlay sitting on top. It is expected to fall into the entry Android 4 segment courtesy of its smaller 3.7-inch, although still Super AMOLDED, display.
Also befitting a device at the lower end of the new smartphone scale will be a 1GHz processor, although it will still be a Snapdragon dual-core chip. RAM is also expected to be limited to 512MB in order to help pare costs. The rear camera will take shots in 5-megapixels, while it is expected to be 720p capable in video mode. It does, however, include a dual-shutter, enabling still photo capability while simultaneously shooting video.
As with many of HTC’s latest smartphone offerings, it is also expected to pack Beats Audio signal processing for enhanced listening. A mockup of what the device is below.