Hugh Grant will return to TV, after 25 years, for the upcoming BBC One drama A Very English Scandal. The three-part event series is based on the true story of the first British politician to stand trial for conspiracy and incitement to murder.
the show is set in the late 60s when homosexuality has only just been decriminalized and Liberal party leader, MP Jeremy Thorpe, had become the youngest leader of any British political party in a hundred years.
Trouble is the secret of Thorpe’s ex-lover, Norman Scott, puts his career at risk. Thorpe schemes and deceives until he tries to silence Scott for good. Thorpe was tried in 1979 for conspiring to murder Scott, but was acquitted. The scandal did end his political career.
Oscar nominee Stephen Frears helms from a script by BAFTA winner Russel T Davies. Dominic Treadwell-Collins, Graham Broadbent and Pete Czernin will executive produce.