Hulu has ordered a second 10-episode season of The Awesomes, the animated superhero comedy Seth Meyers created with his Late Night with Seth Meyers producer Mike Shoemaker. The announcement comes today, as Part 1 of the show’s two-part season 1 finale hits Hulu. It concludes Sept. 26.
Since its Aug. 1 launch, The Awesomes — which features the voices of Meyers, Bill Hader, Kenan Thompson, and Taran Killam, among others– has regularly been one of the top 10 most-watched shows on Hulu each week, as well as one of the top five animated comedies on the site.
Before the show’s debut, Meyers and Shoemaker told EW they were hoping for a second season. “We don’t quite know where we’ll find the time, but we’d love to go into a second season with the lessons we learned,” Meyers said. “Mike and I are talkers, not doers. You’re watching the cartoons, and you’re like, ‘Oh right, we’ve got to make these people men of action.’” Joked Shoemaker, “They have to fight. They’re superheroes. But the last thing we ever wanted to do was put in actual fights.” As Meyers put it, “There’s a reason there’s not a comic book about Mike’s and my life. It’s mostly just sitting at desks.”
While many of the creators’ friends will return for season 2, fans should also expect new supervillains and superheroes, as well as new challenges (which might include an unexpected love triangle).