Tale of Tales’ upcoming narrative-driven game Sunset received its first official set of screenshots today. Announced in March 2014, the exploration game stars Angela Burnes, a housekeeper of a secluded philanthropist, set in a lone 1970’s apartment. The Path and Fatale developer noted that the screens are “still work in progress and even though they do not represent the final beauty of the game, they say a lot about what is going to make the penthouse a spectacular environment to explore.”
Players will scope out the apartment to learn more about Burnes’ employer when the game arrives this spring on PC, Mac and Linux. As seen in the gallery below, Tale of Tales said it “pushed the colour scheme to its saturation point with the tones of the evening sky, chic lighting from designer lamps and dramatic shadows” to make the game “feel real,” yet stylized. Sunset earned $67,636 on Kickstarter in July and will feature a soundtrack from Journey’s Grammy-nominated composer, Austin Wintory.