Intel continues to be the dominant player in the general microprocessor market, accounting for 80 percent of global revenue for the silicon chips that drive early every electronic gadget toad. At the same time, Intel is unable to steal significant market share from rival Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Likewise, AMD cannot break out and take any market share from Intel, figures from an iSuppli study show.
Compared to Intel’s 80.1 percent stake of the market, AMD’s 11.3 percent looks tiny — but represents the only real competition the company has. Year in and year AMD consistently produces a competitive portfolio of products. The study found that the two chipmakers account for 91.4 percent of the entire worldwide market.
What little movement has been generated by these numbers has gone mostly to the smaller, rival firms who compete against Intel and AMD. The report shows that third-party chip manufactures have seen sales up 0.7 percent over the last two quarters.
Overall, the microprocessor industry looks healthy — showing 23 percent growth in the third quarter of 2010 compared to a year ago, and up three percent from the previous quarter.