Intel has added a new higher capacity 240GB SSD to its entry-level 330 Series range, making it a more reasonable proposition for users looking for useable capacity against value for money. The range now comes 60GB, 120GB, 180GB variants along with the aforementioned 240GB model. Intel has also trimmed its reseller pricing on the 330 Series, along with its 520 Series and 320 Series.
The revamped 330 Series SSDs now also come with faster SATA 6Gb/s transfer speeds offering read speeds of up to 500MB/s as well as 450MB/s write speeds. They incorporate Intel’s 25nm multi-level NAND flash memory tech and come packaged with a 2.5-inch to 3.5-inch drive adapter and SATA cables. Intel also guarantees their error-free operation for three years.
The new Intel 330 Series SSDs are shipping now.