Jane The Virgin’s Jaime Camil is set to guest star in an upcoming episode of Charmed. The actor plays Jane’s supercilious but lovable telenovela-star father Rogelio de la Vega. The CW recently gave Charmed a full freshmen season, while Jane The Virgin is set to return in 2019 for its fifth and final run. Both series were created by Jennie Snyder Urman.
Seemingly paying homage to Glee and Pitch Perfect, Camil will enter Charmed as Hilltowne University’s new Musical Director, Mr. Morales. Like the ever-outrageous Rogelio, the newcomer is reportedly the “brash and eccentric,” leader of the an a cappella group called, The Hilltones.
Camil’s character is also said to be attached to a pitch pipe, which in the Charmed universe likely means that he’s either a demon or possessed by a malevolent magical artifact. Even better, Rodriguez is set to direct Camil’s episode of the show. The actress/director was also seen guest-starring as Stephanie Beatriz’ love interest in Brooklyn Nine-Nine this year. However, it’s not confirmed if she’ll be returning for the show’s sixth season, which premieres in January.
Maggie Vera (Sarah Jeffery) may be the sister likeliest to provide a lead-in to Camil’s episode. Her older sisters Mel and Macy have been established as already having a strong sense of identity, while she, as a freshman student, struggles with hers. While she may continue to participate in her sorority, having made peace with her Kappa leader Lucy in the latest episode, the show has left the door open for her to pursue other passions, which may lead her in the direction of music.
Charmed airs Sundays at 9pm ET on The CW.