A Vancouver-based production has been announced for the upcoming action drama Life on the Line, officially set to star John Travolta, Kate Bosworth and Devon Sawa. Principal photography will commence September 29 for six weeks. The $10-12 million feature is produced by Marro Films and Elite Film Productions.
The film spotlights a crew of eccentric linemen who do the dangerous high-wire work of fixing the electrical grid, struggle to hold on to the women they love, until a massive storm threatens to rip their lives apart.
“The last film made in and around the lineman industry was in 1937, Slim the Lineman, and starred Henry Fonda,” said Marro Films CEO Marvin Peart. “It’s an honor and a career highlight to tell this modern-day story about these unsung heroes. With John Travolta, Kate Bosworth and Devon Sawa lending their extraordinary talents to this project, the sky’s the limit.”
Directed by David Hackl from a screenplay by Primo Brown, Dylan Scott and Peter Horton, the producers are Marvin Peart and Phillip Glasser, the executive producer Chad Dubea.