Kobo has announced new value-priced Kobo eReader bundles just in time for the holiday season. Starting today, customers can purchase a new Kobo Wireless eReader pre-loaded with any one of five exclusive eBook bundles at www.koboereader.com. Customers can save up to $30 and give the perfect gift for readers -“ an eReader already loaded with a bundle of hot new books, ready to start reading right out of the box.
Books and Magazines for Many eReaders
Kobo customers can share the joy of eReading: the exclusive eBook bundles each appeal to a different taste or reading mood -“ Nora Roberts, Vampire Diaries, Millennium Trilogy, Hunger Games and Alex Cross Series. This offer features some of today’s most popular and bestselling fiction, non-fiction, biographies and romance titles conveniently offered in a single package. In addition, customers can build their library for life with Kobo and read eBooks, Newspapers and Magazines on any device. Today, Kobo is available on iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android, PC, MAC, Samsung Galaxy Tab, new tablets and eReaders.
“The Kobo eReader comes in a variety of colors and is already an amazing gift for the traveler, the constant reader and the hard to buy for on your holiday list. Combined with our great new eBook bundles, Kobo is the perfect gift to get your loved ones,” said Michael Tamblyn, Kobo Vice President of Content, Sales and Merchandising. “With Kobo, eBooks are the ultimate last-minute gift -“ delivered in seconds and you never have to worry about shipping or something being out of stock.”
With the new Kobo Wireless eReader, consumers can now wirelessly shop on the go, anytime, anyplace, directly from their Kobo Wireless eReader with one touch of the “Shop” button. Adding more than hundreds of thousands of titles in six months, the Kobo store now boasts over 2.2 million books including today’s new releases and bestsellers, timeless classics and thousands of free books.
To choose your favorite eReader bundle for the Holidays, visit www.koboereader.com.