LG has announced its slimmest ever LED-backlit LCD monitor measuring just 7.2mm in depth. The 21.5-inch, 1920×1080 E2290V has a response rate of only 2-milliseconds and is aimed at gamers and consumers who are increasingly watching sports and action movies on their PCs. The monitor also comes equipped with a range of standard inputs including analog, digital and HDMI inputs.
The panel comes equipped with LG’s Image Booster software that enhances streaming content from sites such as YouTube. Using LG’s new Super LED technology, the new monitor consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a traditional CCFL-backlit LCD monitor. It produces 250 nits of brightness and a very high dynamic contrast ratio of 10,000,000:1.
The LG E2290V is expected to be available this month in t Asia for the equivalent of $435. US release date has been announced yet.