Apple’s update to the MacBook Air has taken place, with relatively few changes. Just as reported yesterday, the notebook lineup has been refreshed to use 1.4GHz dual-core Haswell Intel Core i5 processors with Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz, up from the 1.3GHz version that boosts to 2.6GHz used previously, with the range also seeing a drop in price of $100 across the board.
The 128GB and 256GB 11-inch models are now priced at $899 and $1,099 respectively, with the 13-inch versions selling for $999 and $1,199 for 128GB and 256GB of storage. Customizing the MacBook Air to use a 1.7GHz Core i7 processor, with a 3.3GHz Turbo Boost, costs an extra $150. A similar reduction in price has also occurred in the United Kingdom, with the cheapest 11-inch model priced at £749 and the cheapest 13-inch at £849.
Just as before, the MacBook Air includes Intel HD Graphics 5000, 4GB of RAM upgradable to 8GB, a 1366×768 or 1440×900-resolution display depending on the physical size, two USB 3.0 ports, Thunderbolt, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and 38Wh or 54Wh batteries. Shipping on both the US and UK sites show the MacBook Air will ship within 24 hours.