According to Marvel’s June solicits, Civil War 2 will double ship in June. The first issue is $5.99. The second issue dips back down to the regular price of $4.99. In addition, Civil War: Choosing Sides will also be priced at $4.99, though, mercifully, the other three Civil War tie-in minis will be priced at $3.99. Additionally, there are eleven regular books that are listed as Civil War tie-ins or “Road to Civil War” books. If you want to follow Civil War in June alone, it will cost you upwards of sixty-seven dollars.
Other “special” $4.99 books shipping in June include the Spider-Gwen Annual, Spider-Man and Silk: The Spider-Fly Effect #4, Silver Surfer #6, Guardians of Infinity #7, A Year of Marvels: The Incredible #1, Daredevil/Punisher #2, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens Adaptation #1. Deadpool #13, containing its own “four issue crossover” will be $9.99 (though at least they’ve finally named the artist, Mike Hawthorne).